While based on the same premise of every good surf movie – a bunch of surfers go looking for new waves – Alaska Sessions broadens the scope to see a wider vision of ‘the search’ and in doing so breaks the mould of conventional surf films. With a captivating storyline that develops three dimensional characters, the film transcends the average surf film to tell a story that celebrates the joy of discovery, the pioneering Alaskan spirit, and the agelessness of stoke.
Presented in a documentary style, Alaska Sessions follows Capt Mike McCune and his eclectic crew onboard the ex-fishing boat “Milo” as they make their way up the Alaskan coast en route to Mike’s home town Homer. Along the way Milo’s crew take every opportunity they get to discover and ride new surf breaks. With snowy mountains in the background and icy rocks upon the shore, the avid surfers keep themselves warm with thick wetsuits, pure enthusiasm and jugs of hot water poured down the front of their wetsuits.
Capt McCune and his buddy Iceman are old Alaskan surfers from way back who will surf for hours on end if the conditions are right. Their zeal for life and refusal to act their age are a highlight of the film and a point of difference from other surf/adventure films that tend to be dominated by younger men. Crewmate Scott Dickerson is half the age of his older mentors and marvels at their enthusiasm and energy. The contrast and similarities between the generations is a thread that weaves its way through the film, as is the camaraderie between the three men and the women in their lives who join the voyage at various points.
The natural warmth of the characters and the slow but steady progress of their journey draws you in until you forget about the extreme cold and wish that you were onboard the Milo yourself. Surfing off the coast of Alaska in the middle of winter would generally be thought of as crazy but these guys make it look fun and even – dare I say it – desirable. Alaskan Sessions is a triumph in that it tells the classic surf story in a way that will surely appeal to a much wider audience than the surf community. In doing so, some will be inspired to take a surf trip to Alaska and others will be inspired simply to live life to the fullest, in whatever form that takes. Article By Joseph Aldridge Watch FILM OF THE WEEK Alaska Sessions playing now at Garage Entertainment