If you’re a Back to the Future fan then you’d be well aware that yesterday was Back to the Future Day. In the film Marty Mcfly travels into the future, arriving precisely at 4:29pm on the 21st of October, 2015. When it was produced back in 1989 perhaps the filmmakers had a more optimistic vision of what the future would look like, because the awesome hoverboard McFly rides in the film sure doesn’t exist today!(thanks for getting our hopes up guys). There have however, been a number of attempts at designing one. Lexus made a solid effort a few months back, managing to make one that could glide over water, and a company named Hendo also made one that Tony Hawk tested out.
So as a tribute to the film Hendo unveiled its newest hoverboard, the Hendo 2.0 yesterday. Once again Tony was there to test out, and this time the public was also allowed to give it a try. They even let a dog take it for a spin! The board looks rad, and it does hover, however it’s pretty easy to see that these things things aren’t fully functional yet. It might still be a while until we’re all cruising around the streets like Marty McFly. But hey, it looks like we’re well on our way to getting there, and one day soon we probably will be!
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